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The Deathsportz are a way to make money, to help loved ones, and gain privileges for contestants homeworlds. Retired military, extreme athletes, tough individuals looking to test their mettle,… are among those who are attracted to participate, and join the Mortle Arena Deathsportz. Hosted, on the wealthiest trade nexus, in the Spacewind, Cluster IV, hegemony: Agreson, is a planet where a multitude of races and cultures collide. Irreconcilable differences of allegiance, and convictions, are settled by duels. For athletes, the Deathsportz are a path to financial gain; though treacherous and narrow. For many, on the quarantine worlds, it is preferable to a lifelong purgatory of student loan debt. Here, on Agreson, a myriad of species, and gender, compete, in the games – Deathsportz.
The many types of games, are broadcast, across the Nyhaelos galaxy. It is the dream of many, to be seen , by viewers, in the Mortle Arena, as a Champion. Those who fall, are not forgotten – for their gory deaths, immediately after the event, is the well known, contractual price for defeat. In the Sudden Death portion of the live broadcast,.. the losing side, is eliminated. There are only winners, at the start of each bout, in the Deathsportz.
Favorite players come and go. But the franchises, outlive them – and their player line up is constantly updated; with top performers, cloned from the highest rated match ups.
Spectators, have a say in which players compose the teams they sponsor. Auctions take place after Sudden Death, for the remains; as souvenirs, going to the highest bidders; a cottage industry for wealthy patrons; and VIP member.
Athletes, can come back, for the right price. Though, a form of modern, brutal entertainment, in the Space wind Cluster IV; the plight of the athletes is not as facile. Such tales, have merit, beyond the gore, and flesh. Tales that can be told on platforms, that don’t allow gratuitous sex appeal, or graphic violence and gore; the very things which Agreson spectators expect for the admission they pay.
The contestants themselves, must endure the grind of training, the stress and toil of the lethal battlefield, as they seek means to support their loved ones, and rebuild their homeworlds, in the wake of the galactic affliction. The story of Lydeda, is inspiring, and suitable for those not suited for graphically intense, views, of spectators of the brutal Mortle Arena; where sexual gratification, and disturbing violence/gore, are prime time Main Events.
From the perspective of the athlete’s plight, comes a tale of the human spirit overcoming, seemingly insurmountable trials, and unceasing tests: The epic struggle of Lydeda, the retired Brigadier, who comes to Mortle Arena, to do her best, to make her world a better place, in what way she can – in the savage system that exists, on Agreson. Hers, is a tale, that can hopefully inspire others to be good stewards, and Patrioks. Patrioks are trying to help their countries people; rather than help themselves, at everyone else’s expense.
Follow Lydeda’s story, on Webtoons.
Lydeda’s voice is propelled to a galactic arena – as affliction, ravages the Cluster IV hegemony. Crippled veterans, use devices enabling them to compete as athletes in Mortle Arena’s Deathsportz. In a post-affliction era, vying for lifesaving resources, from I.M.Corps – to preserve her homeworld’s way of life. Will she learn to heal herself, & survive ‘Deathsportz’? Will it’s champions learn to work together,… or fight as vultures, scavenging what remains of civilization?